RASOTA can be an intimidating and sometimes overwhelming place, especially for freshmen. That's why the Daily Dragon is here to help navigate you through your first year! All of your questions will be answered 100% anonymously here in our Freshman Advice Column. Hope we can help!
There are so many Tik-Toks and Wiki Hows that could tell someone a strategy for going up to someone and making a new friend for life; but I can tell you something maybe more important. Having more friends is not about making friends, it’s more about making connections and finding yourself. As long as you connect with someone who lets you stay true to yourself and helps you stay a positively driven person, it doesn’t matter how many friends you have. And it doesn’t matter who your friends are or what people think about them. Trust in yourself. - Jason
First of all, as a freshman it is hard to make friends so do not put pressure on yourself to form a friend group instantly. Even us seniors struggled with the same things 4 years ago. WE GET IT. It'll happen with time. However, we understand the desire to have a good squad, and wanting to speed that process up.
As savage seniors, here is our advice:
Relax. Don’t hide yourself, be open to smiling and engaging with people. If you look approachable, people will approach you.
A good opportunity to practice this is with the people at your tables in your classes.
If you need some conversation starters, here are some classics:
“Ugh im so tired”
“This class is so hard”
“What department are you in”
A good way to find a group of friends is by befriending those who already know a lot of people. Don’t force friendships, but if you want to expand your social circle this is a good way to do so. Don’t try to “play it cool” “Mr./Ms./Mix Nonchalant” does not make friends freshman year! That's what senior year is for. Everyone is awkward, be comfortable in that.
We totally understand the want to have a good time at a party, but know, the best parties are the ones where you’re surrounded by your pals. Unless you are the biggest social butterfly and party animal, you’re not going to have fun at a party with randos. So try to start your own parties! Ask some friends to hang out, or see what their plans are for the weekend.
Most importantly, be open. The people you expect to be friends with might not be the people for you. You can not be friends with everyone. Not everyone is going to like you and that is just a fact of life. As soon as you are at peace with this, the happier you will be.
A wise SOTA alumni once told us to be authentic, vulnerable, and real. Living by this will change your life.
You have 4 hours my friend. I think the best thing to do is plan ahead for time to study for the next test and what you didn't understand on the current one. Schedule time over this week, as soon as possible, so you can better figure out what you don't know. Check in with the teacher for extra support and practice. If you can find a friend to study with it is always a great extra motivation and depending on who it is it helps to focus. But right now you should go to sleep as soon as you can and sleep extra if you're able. I would suggest trying not to blame yourself for waiting until the last minute, we all do it. All that matters is you learn and adapt from it. You got this. It's only one test, you can do better on the rest of them.
We're currently awaiting question submissions for our team to answer. Check back in a few days for some brilliant advice from the Daily Dragon team!
RASOTA Daily Dragon